1Use these in your website JavaScript OnlineWebFonts_Com({ 'Id':'.div', 'Data':__Animations['37246'], }).Play(); 2Use the icon class on "display:inline" elements: <div class="div"></div> TAG Human Import Iconsfree Import Animationsfree More...
hip:a projection of the pelvis and upper thigh bone on each side of the body in human being...
The part of the body of a human being or quadruped on either side of the backbone and between the ribs and hips. 腰部人类或四足动物的身体部分,位于脊柱两侧,肋骨与臀部之间 An article of women's clothing, such as a jacket, dress, or coat, that is cut so as to hang down from the shou...
Very tight or binding straps left on your doll over an extended period of time can form dents in her flesh, much the way it does on a real person; unlike a real person's flesh, however, the silicone can lose shape memory. In other words, it's fine to dress your doll in corsets ...
This chapter examines slimming and breast-enhancing magazine advertisements produced by the burgeoning industry of beauty parlours in Hong Kong. Typically, these advertisements configure the human body as a physical resource amenable to extreme makeovers. By displaying before-and-after pictures of ...
Too much sitting and too littleexercise, among other things, might irritate and inflame the sciaticnerve, the largest in the human body. It runs from the bottom of your spine through your hips and down thebackof your leg, which is where you’ll feel the pain when it’s pinched. It wil...
Too much sitting and too littleexercise, among other things, might irritate and inflame the sciaticnerve, the largest in the human body. It runs from the bottom of your spine through your hips and down thebackof your leg, which is where you’ll feel the pain when it’s pinched. It wil...
Scientists from the Hefei Institutes of Physical Science(HIPs) under te Sciences have designed a wristwatch that can measure essential chemicals in body sweat. Their findings Swent contains electrolytes(电解), primarily potassium, sodium and calcium. The balance of were published in the joumal ACS...
It'sabit ofamyththatmodelssashay theirhipsfromsidetosideinaverypronouncedmanner. 一直以来有一种神话称模特们在走路时会以非常明显的方式从一边到另一边滑动臀部。 15 Thepartof thebodyof ahumanbeingorquadrupedoneithersideof thebackboneandbetweentheribsandhips. ...
The gel, which is biologically compatible with the human body, gradually dissolves in the process of metabolism. To ensure the effect for a longer period and to maintain the aesthetic result, it is possible to repeat the procedure.Main component/ingredientsWanna Fill c...