Hippos are mammals and are scientifically known as Hippopotamus amphibius. In Greek, hippo means horse and potamus means river, so the animal is a "river-horse." Historically, hippos lived all over the African continent, but in the 21st century, they only live in East Africa and in restricte...
Unfortunately, Oligocene fossiliferous deposits are scarce on the Arabo-African continent. Discoveries of such deposits most often provide important evidence for the evolutionary history of mammals, in particular for primates12–14. And yet, despite several new early to late Oligocene sites found ...
"While we found that some introduced herbivores are perfect ecological matches for extinct ones, in others cases the introduced species represents a mix of traits seen in extinct species," says study co-author John Rowan, Darwin Fellow in organismic and evolutionary biology at the University of Ma...
“While we found that some introduced herbivores are perfect ecological matches for extinct ones, in others cases the introduced species represents a mix of traits seen in extinct species,” says study co-author John Rowan, Darwin Fellow in organismic and evolutionary biology at the Universi...