male mice, while P8 — but not P15 — male rats have more volume immunoreactive for markers of microglia-like cells (Iba1 and CD68) in the CA1 stratum radiatum (SR) vs. female rats. In the mouse, P10 is roughly equivalent to human term gestation, making it a common timepoint to ...
Similar to CD163, CD68+ cells were minimal and expressed non-differentially between control and epileptic brains (Supplementary Fig. 4a-e, k-o; Additional File 1). We did encounter a few IBA+ activated microglia, identified by rounded, bushy cellular morphology; but there was no correlation ...
Rats were treated for 1 week with vortioxetine (1.6 g/kg food chow) or fluoxetine (160 mg/L drinking water) at pharmacologically relevant doses. Stereological principles were used to estimate the number of ALDH1L1 positive astrocytes and Iba1 positive microglia cells, and the length of micro...
Colocalization with Iba1 was performed to determine microglial proliferation. MCM2-positive cells were present in the HC of controls and were significantly increased in the presymptomatic iLBD cases, but not in established PD patients. Microglia represented the majority of the proliferating cells in ...
a, b, Representative confocal single plane images of CA1 astrocytes (a, S100B, red) or microglia (b, IBA1, red) with synaptic proteins (VGluT1, PSD95, VGAT or Gephyrin, green). White arrows indicate engulfed synaptic proteins in glial cells. Scale bars = 5 μm. c, d, Quantificatio...
CA2/3 and DG were delineated at a ×2.5 magnification (Supplementary Fig.1A). The numbers of Iba1+cells in the three subfields of the hippocampus were estimated using the optical fractionator method in the stereological system (Glostrup, Denmark). The total number of Iba1+cells in each hippo...
Iba1 staining (green) and nuclear staining (DIPA, blue). Scale bar = 50 μm. H–J Number of Iba1+ cells, number of endpoints per microglia, and process length. K–P Golgi staining. K Representative reconstruction of the hippocampal neurons. Scale bar = 50 μm. L Dendritic length of ...
The localization of GRK2 in microglia was confirmed by triple labeling with GRK2/Iba1/DAPI (marked the triple-labeled cells with yellow arrows). Scale bar = 100 μm; magnification × 200. (B) Expression of GRK2 by immunofluorescence in the SCDH on days 21 and 42 post-SNI. (...
The numbers of cells are shown in parentheses. (l–m) Newborn cells at 22 dpi (l) and 26 dpi (m) only received GABAergic inputs (Cs-based pipette solutions; Vh=+5 mV) from SuM neurons. (n) Sample images and quantification of iba1 and GFAP in the SuM of YFP control mice or ...
NEUN+ neurons, IBA1+ microglia, S100B+ astrocytes, and OLIG2+ oligodendrocyte lineage cells were observed. d, Sample confocal images showing EdU-incorporated PROX1+ newborn GCs are absent of the astrocyte marker S100B or the more mature neuron marker CALB1 in slice cultures. Asterisks ...