(As the American writer Upton Sinclair once quipped, “It is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends upon his not understanding it!”) But it’s vital that they do: Nothing stalls innovation faster than a so-called HiPPO—highest-paid person’s opinion. 《...
河马效应(HIPPO-Highest Paid Person's Opinion),最早源自于《重新定义公司:谷歌是如何运营的》一书,作者是谷歌前执行董事长埃里克·施密特和前高级副总裁乔纳森·罗森伯格。通俗地讲:公司里有些时候的决策,往往是因为高层有决策权的、薪资最高的人,根据自己的经验判断,而做出了决定,而这个决定也很可能是错误的,但是...
除了直接指代河马外,'hippo'在某些语境下可能蕴含隐晦或象征意义。例如,在团队决策或项目管理中,有时会用“HIPPO”(Highest Paid Person's Opinion)来暗指仅基于最高薪资者的意见做决策的现象,这反映了一种权威或权力对决策过程的不当影响。此外,在一些非正式的社交场合或网络讨论...
什么是hippo - highest paid person's opinion送给标题一个P字。...细微处用大量数据说话,大方向不是hippo还能用啥。做数据的,明白数据是多大程度上 "up to interpretation", 上头想让怎么样就得怎么样。暴多的分析,是基于错误的数据。分析者经常有自己的agenda,双盲想都不用想。单盲都未必能做到。同一个数据,...
A: HiPPO stands for "Highest Paid Person's Opinion." Jim Barksdale, CEO of Netscape, famously said what could be summarized asData or HiPPO, when hesaid"If we have data, let’s look at data. If all we have are opinions, let’s go with mine." ...
HiPPOHighest Paid Person's Opinion HiPPOHelp International Plant Protein Organisation(UK) HiPPOHelping Improve Pediatric Practice Outcomes(American Academy of Pediatrics) HiPPOHeadquarters Information Program Planning Office HiPPOHardened Infrastructure Protection, Persistent Operations(security) ...
The HiPPO (meaning Highest Paid Person’s Opinion) usually stirs perceptions from the wider team of egotism and short-sightedness, whilst generating frustration for everyone underneath them within an organisation. If you have never worked within a company where you’ve had a HiPPO running the show...
This syndrome means allowing decisions to be made according to the highest paid person's opinion rather than the data. It is stated that in month one, run a test that is politically palatable and easy enough that it can show a quick win. Product pages can be a great place to start. ...
If they can’t help you get any credits, they don’t get paid. But what was fascinating was that when I was talking with Joshua, he said that one of his learnings in trying so many startups over the years, was that founders don’t think enough about their exit path before starting...
A happy person will not sway between happy and sad, because it is a state of mind and is not influenced by the physical world. A living human who has achieved happiness will not change "just because of the body’s discomfort in the physical realm.“ (31) William Inge argues: "For ...