必应词典为您提供hipot.testing的释义,网络释义: 耐电压测试;耐压测试;
Hipot testing, in conjunction with earth bond testing (where applicable) form the core tests for electrical safety testing on a production line. The hipot test, derived from the term High Potential Test, is a direct application of a high voltage to a unit under test. The test voltage is ...
Hipot testing, in conjunction with earth bond testing (where applicable) form the core tests for electrical safety testing on a production line.
The Importance of HIPOT Testing The hipot test is a nondestructive test that determines the adequacy ofelectrical insulationfor the normally occurring over voltage transient. This is a high-voltage test that is applied to all devices for a specific time in order to ensure that the insulation is...
What is Hipot Testing?Hipot (or high potential testing) is a non-destructive test that has many names: overvoltage testing, dielectric breakdown test, dielectric withstand test, or insulation resistance tests. All of these tests are designed to make sure that the insulation used in your ...
–Earth Continuity Testing 1mΩ -接地连续性测试1mΩ –Insulation Resistance to 500GΩ –500Ω绝缘电阻 –Arc Detection with 10 msec shutdown –10毫秒关闭电弧检测 –Programmable •可编程 –GPIB, RS232 Interfaces Optional –GPIB、RS232接口可选 ...
Guardian 1000 Series Hipot Testers Introduction A complete dielectric testing solution, with three models from which to choose. The Guardian 1010 for AC Hipot testing, the Guardian 1030 for AC/DC Hipot testing and insulation resistance (IR) measurements; and the Guardian 1030S which combines both...
8、NTS公司网站https://www.nts.com/services/testing/electrical/electrochemical-migration/9、Amprobe公司网站10、台北市火灾3年酿44死 电气肇因逾3成 记者黄丽芸 2020年4月26日关于固纬电子 GWinstek固纬电子1975创立,全球营运总部在台湾新北市,集研发、生产、营销服务于一体,是全球主要的专业电子测试测量仪器的生产...
Hipot data, also known as dielectric breakdown, is a simple test used by electrical equipment manufacturers. The test equipment for conducting the dielectric voltage-withstand test is to be adjusted for sensitivity such that when a resistor of 120,000 ohms is connected across the output, the ...
Extech华仪hipot测试 安规测试基础知识 TheBasicsofElectricalSafetyTesting 華儀電子股份有限公司市場部行銷組鍾萬里 主要內容Content 华仪电子简介安规测试的必要性和重要性安规测试的基本原理及要求安规测试仪的新型技术安规测试的实际应用华仪新产品的介绍疑问讨论及解答 ExtechElectronicsCo.,Ltd®2008 公司发展Company...