HIPAA法案介绍 HIPAA(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act),即《健康保险流通与责任法案》,最早于1996年由当时的美国总统克林顿签署通过,在随后的几年,卫生部依据公众的意见进行修订,HIPAA中的隐私规则(Privacy Rule)和安全规则(Sercurity Rule)最终于2003年8月14号生效。该项法案旨在保护受保护...
HHS.gov. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/2075/may-a-hipaa-covered-entity-or-business-associate-use-cloud-service-to-store-or-process-ephi/index.html 3. Herold, R., & Beaver, K. (2014). The Prac...
Bergren, M. D. (2001). HIPAA hoopla: Privacy and security of identifiable health information. Journal of School Nursing, 17(6), 336-340.Bergren, M. (2001). HIPAA hoopla: Privacy and security of identifiable health infro-Bergren, M. D. (2001). HIPAA hoopla: Privacy and security of ...
HHS.gov. https://www.hhs.gov/hipaa/for-professionals/faq/2075/may-a-hipaa-covered-entity-or-business-associate-use-cloud-service-to-store-or-process-ephi/index.html 3. Herold, R., & Beaver, K. (2014). The Practical Guide to HIPAA Privacy and Security Compliance, Second Edition. 4. O...
1.隐私规则(Privacy Rule):该规则规定了如何使用和披露个人健康信息。它确保个人的健康信息只能在授权的情况下被披露,防止未经授权的访问、使用或泄漏。 2.安全规则(Security Rule):该规则要求医疗机构和保健提供者采取措施,确保个人健康信息的保密性、完整性和可用性。其中包括制定安全策略、实施物理安全措施、制定密码...
Security Rules What Happens If You Do Not Comply? Is Your Organization HIPAA Compliant? Compliance Questions? Speak to an Expert The Healthcare Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) has become an ingrained facet of security and privacy efforts since it was signed into law in ...
privacy and security policies),以避免隱私受到侵 害,並讓消費者信賴健康照顧系統。被涵蓋機構必須 執行其政策,以合理避免任何故意或無意的違反本規 則之原則、執行細則或其他要求的利用或揭露行為。 被涵蓋機構也應制定內部申訴程序,讓人民可以對機 構制定的政策,或政策的執行,提出申訴。其也要求 機構必須對違反隱...
HIPAA has two different requirements for covered entities; one addresses the way that private patient data is to be handled and defines provider responsibilities; the other outlines how that protection should be accomplished. The HIPAA Privacy and Security Rules are two of the many vital aspects of...
HIPAA是美国前总统克林顿1996年签署的健康保险携带和责任法案(Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act)的缩写。该法案是继1974年《雇员退休收入保障法案》(“ERISA”)后,最具深远影响的法案,它对多种医疗健康产业都具有规范作用,包括交易规则、医疗服务机构...
Before doing so, we require each business associate to sign a contract agreeing to maintain the privacy and security of your information. Do research We can use or share your information for health research. Also, we may use aggregated information about user trends, characteristics, and ...