Hip Abductors And Adductors Explosive Capacity Correlate With Step Reaction Time In Older Adults: 676 May 27 1:00 PM - 1:10 PMdoi:10.1249/01.mss.0000675408.49023.bfLanza, Marcel B.Addison, OdessaRyan, AliceGray, VickiMedicine & Science in Sports & Exercise...
The Importance of Hip Abductor and Adductor Muscles in Balance and Mobility Tasks After a Stroke: A Systematic Review We concluded that stronger hip abductors and adductors (both paretic and nonparetic legs) resulted in quicker voluntary step, and faster walking speed and... MB Lanza,N Frakes...
When the pelvis is supported on both sides, its stability in the transverse direction is secured by the simultaneous contraction of the ipsilateral andcontralateraladductors and abductors. When these antagonistic actions are properly balanced (Fig. 11.44A) the pelvis is stabilized in the position of...
which allows the moving leg to optimize its movements while the pelvis remains stable35. However, an optimal functional status of both muscles, and not only the abductors, enables more efficient lower-limb patterns, which may
“Imbalances in strength can create extra tension in the neighboring joints, like the foot, ankle, knee, and hip,” explains Otey. Overactive abductors or adductors can pull your alignment out of whack, putting more stress on certain areas of the body and placing your joints in vulnerable po...
Its primary role is to provide dynamic stability during weight-bearing activities like walking and jogging. Approximately twenty-five muscles attach to the hip. They can be divided up by their primary action: flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, external rotators and internal rotators. (...
P Welsh,S Howitt,SJ Howarth 摘要: Background: Strains of the adductor muscle group of the hip are common amongst ice hockey players. The ratio of isometric strengths between the hip adductors and abductors has been offered as a risk factor for hip adductor strain; however, there is no ...
A study wasconductedof 68 high school cross-country runners (47 girls, 21 boys) in whichisometricstrength tests of the hip abductors, knee extensors and flexors were performed with a handheld dynamometer. Runners were prospectively followed during the 2014 interscholastic cross-country season for oc...
The ligaments of the hip joint are overlaid by several large muscles, which can be broadly divided into flexors, extensors, abductors, adductors, and external and internal rotators. The main hip flexors are the iliopsoas, sartorius, and rectus femoris. Pectineus, the adductors, and glutei ...
Hip abductor strength and activation are essential for maintaining postural balance during transfers and are related to joint loading and progression during weight-bearing activities. Strength deficits in the hip abductors might cause a reduction in the lower extremity force generation, thereby causing ...