During gait, the hip abductor muscles are primarily responsible for generating moments of force to control frontal plane movement. The current study investigated the relationship between hip abductor muscle function and frontal plane hip moments of force during gait. Frontal plane hip moments of force...
Pectineus, the adductors, and glutei are also active during flexion, but only via their accessory function. The extension is governed by gluteus maximus and the hamstring muscles. The action of gluteal muscles and tensor fascia latae allows abduction, while adductores longus, brevis, and magnus,...
Learn about hip muscle anatomy, understand the hip girdle muscles, or the muscles of the hip and thigh. Discover the hip muscle attachments and...
Function: Hip joint: Thigh extension, Thigh external rotation; Knee joint: Leg flexion, Leg external rotation The medial compartment of the thigh is comprised of six muscles: gracilis, pectineus, adductor longus, adductor brevis, adductor magnus and obturator externus. Key facts about the medial...
The functional condition of the hip muscles is considered a relevant factor in the risk of injury, and therefore, an important aspect to assess in female basketball players8,9. In addition, the study of the hip abductor (ABD) and adductor (AD) muscles is especially interesting, due to the...
RESULTS: In the standing balance task, normal subjects resisted a sideways push to the left with the left gluteus medius (74 ms) and with the right adductor (111 ms), and vice versa. In hemiparetic patients, the amplitude of activity was reduced in the hemiparetic muscles, the onset ...
Hip abductor function in individuals with medial knee osteoarthritis: Implications for medial compartment loading during gait. Clin Biomech. 2014;29(5):545–50. Article Google Scholar Costa RA, de Oliveira LM, Watanabe SH, Jones A, Natour J. Isokinetic assessment of the hip muscles in patients...
In the human body, the adductor longus isa skeletal muscle located in the thigh. One of the adductor muscles of the hip, its main function is to adduct the thigh and it is innervated by the obturator nerve. It forms the medial wall of the femoral triangle. ...
the GroinBar is a relevant device as part of the adductor muscles strength assessment through the squeeze test, but also considering that force ratios between agonist and antagonist muscle groups, as well as asymmetries between dominant and non-dominant limb, are possible risks for groin injuries ...
Contribution of hip abductor–adductor muscles on static and dynamic balance of community-dwelling older adults 2019, Aging Clinical and Experimental Research Where to step? Contributions of stance leg muscle spindle afference to planning of mediolateral foot placement for balance control in young and ...