Looking for hinge plate? Find out information about hinge plate. In bivalve mollusks, the portion of a valve that supports the hinge teeth. The socket-bearing part of the dorsal valve in brachiopods. McGraw-Hill... Explanation of hinge plate
Door-hinge fixing-hole-drilling equipment - has drill head and jig mounted on slide travelling along support for door-leaves The equipment has an oblong support (1) for the leaves to be drilled (9, 10), also a jig (28) with distance-pieces holding them at the correct distance apart. A...
1. Set Up the Jig Adjust the mortising jig to the proper hinge size and door thickness. Install or remove the corner inserts, as appropriate: Depending on the inserts used, jigs can cut mortises with rounded or squared corners (squared corners must be finished later with a chisel). Fit ...