Quotes & Quips January 1, 2025 No Comments “I take it this is your first time making chocolate ganache?”“If you go on working… In My Opinion January 1, 2025 No Comments The Value of Hindu Art Forms How Bharatanatyam instills discipline,devotion and connection to our traditions...
Mandalasa used to sing lullabies with vedic teachings and about Atma Gyana.He became self-realized, lost interest in ruling the kingdom and went to the forest as a sanyasi for Meditation and salavation.Second Son was born and King Named him “Subahu” meaning “One who possess powerful and...
However, some quotes from his essay on "Government" will be helpful. How a Monarch abuses its power and oppresses the masses, the follow- ing is what Mill has to say: If government is founded upon this, as a law of human nature, that a man, if able, will take from others any ...
Domestic violence is an acute problem in modern Hindu society. Every year hundred and thousands of young girls and women of all ages become victims of domestic violence in the hands of their husbands, brothers, close relatives, in-laws and even parents. The Wikipedia quotes a report published ...
Although there is no doubt that Ashoka’s patronage of Buddhism did much to spread that religion, his inscriptions recognize the Brahmans as worthy of respect. Sentiments in favor of nonviolence (ahimsa) and vegetarianism, much encouraged by the non-Brahmanic sects, spread during the Mauryan ...
Keene (Handbook for Visitor’s to Agra and Its Neighbourhood) quotes this rumour and casts a very pertinent doubt that is the fort was demolished in 1565, how is it possible for Akbar to stay there in 1566 and a man was flung down from the second story? Keene adds that even the founda...
Keene (Handbook for Visitor’s to Agra and Its Neighbourhood) quotes this rumour and casts a very pertinent doubt that is the fort was demolished in 1565, how is it possible for Akbar to stay there in 1566 and a man was flung down from the second story? Keene adds that even the founda...