Discover your personality, compatibility, birthstone, Zodiac sign, Hindu Rashi and Chinese Zodiac signs, Find yin-yang, element, heavenly stem, earthly branch and related information for your date of birth. The day and date that you are born on have an eternal effect on your life and existence...
As in the West, Hindu astrology has 12 signs that are spread over several periods of the year. Each sign has its own character traits. The tensions are not considered negative for Hindus because, if the subject overcomes their contradictions, they will go through the steps that will bring ...
The two zodiac signs are represented by births in October. They will either be a Libra (Sep 23 - Oct 22) or a Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21). If your child is born in the first through the twentieth days of October, they will be a Libra. The typical Libra emoji shows the glyph of...
Solar calendar(Surya ganana), which is based on the Sun's entry into different zodiac signs. Lunar calendar(Chandra ganana) which is based on the Moon's transit. However, the majority of the calculations are based on the Moon's orbit. Panchang uses the lunar month system to measure time...
Rāśi – zodiacal signs Around 2500 BC many extant texts were written by sages such Agastya and Bhrigu. Each sign was divided in three more strata called "charna" similar to decanates of Western astrology. The Nirayana, or sidereal zodiac, is an imaginary belt of 360 degrees, which, like...
The introduction of Mesopotamian and Greek concepts of astronomy and astrology into India also brought the solar-based zodiac signs, which Indians then used in conjunction with the nakshatras for astrological and prognostication purposes. The monthly entry of the Sun into a new zodiac sign (sankrant...
The meeting of Sun-Ketu will occur from September 17, 2024, to October 16, 2024. We will provide a comprehensive analysis… Dog Breed Compatible to your Zodiac Sign Our zodiac signs are not just clusters of stars in the night sky, they have the power to tell us… The Greatest Valentine...
As mentioned earlier, the Panchang is an essential tool for selecting Muhurta (auspicious times) and understanding the favorable and unfavorable aspects of a day. All information provided in the Panchang is based on the Moon's transit across Rashis (Zodiac signs) and Nakshatras (constellations)...
Masik Shivaratri is the day we venerate Lord Shiva . Fill in the year, select your city, & find out the dates for the future or even the years that have already gone by. Sankranti Dates 2025 Sankranti basically marks the transition of the Sun into various zodiac signs. Starting with Maka...
In astrology, these festivals embark a new beginning in zodiac signs and being about tons of opportunities and chances for them in their horoscopes to attain desires and objectives. Hindu festivals embark a great spiritual as well as religious significance, and consist of ancient codes and stories...