Just as our websites and the content we publish, the books we publish are also unique. They represent the same quality and vision with which we have served you all these years. Each book has been written with the specific purpose of providing quality information on selected topics. Each book...
The word Yoga comes from the root yuj, "to yoke or join." It is used to suggest the union of the individual self (atman). with the Highest Self (Brahman). Yoga is the means to integrate the body with the mind and the lower self with the higher self. Through yoga, one can achiev...
Noun1.fundamentalism- the interpretation of every word in the sacred texts as literal truth Protestantism- the theological system of any of the churches of western Christendom that separated from the Roman Catholic Church during the Reformation ...
"The very name Druid is composed of two Celtic word roots which have parallels in Sanskrit. Indeed, the root vid for knowledge also emerges in the Sanskrit word Veda, demonstrates the similarity. The Celtic root dru which means 'immersion' also appears in the Sanskrit. So a Druid was the ...
Darshan comes from the Sanskrit word, darsana, meaning a sight or vision. In the Hindu faith, darshan is an experience of grace and connection arising from the sight of a holy being or natural spectacle -- a sudden ray of light striking a mountain peak, for example. The darshan of a li...
Or the well that was supposed to be built for the Dalits?The thing about this election is that ‘development’ issues have become so overwhelmingly important that they’re even threatening to swallow divide-and-rule monsters like ‘Hindutva.’ That single word, which forever scalded itself on ...
In theVedas, God is calledBrahman, the Supreme Being who simultaneously exists as the absolute transcendentParabrahman, as omniscientconsciousnessor shakti power and as the personal prime Deity. The wordBrahmancomes from theSanskritroot Brh which means to grow, manifest, expand, referring to theBrahm...
Check out the'Top 100 Modern, Simple, Trending Hindu Baby Names In 2025'for a blend of tradition and modernity. Our curated list features short and cool names that are easy to pronounce and remember. Whether you're seeking names for a Muslim, Hindu, Sikh, or Christian baby, you'll find...
Click here for a wide range of Hindu Baby Names Every religion has songs or chants. Mantras, Shalokas and Divine Names are used for chanting. Mantra is a Sanskrit word. The mantras come from the Vedas and were written 5,000 years ago. Mantras quieten the mind and bring good thoughts...
The word poetry is derived from the Greek poiesis, meaning a "making" or"creating". It is a form of art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities with or without its ostensible meaning. Poetry may be used either as an independent art by itself or in conjunction...