$1 Million Lawsuit: Texas Hindu Temple Sued Over Branding of 11-Year-Old Child Houston mother Supriya Raman Sripada faced charges of injury to a child with bodily harm following a distressing incident involving her 11-year-old son, who was left disfigured and suffered severe burns and infectio...
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami, “Mom, Dad, Meet Elaine,” Hinduism Today (July-Sept. 2005): 10; Gail Hinich Sutherland, “The Wedding Pavilion: Performing, Recreating, and Regendering Hindu Identity in Houston,” International Journal of Hindu Studies 7, no. 1/3 (Feb. 2003): 137....
June 3, 2005, HOUSTON: With the Indian diaspora having such far-reaching consequences globally, the chameleon-like ability to adapt and survive in any environment, heritage intact… Read More Donate to HSC! Student Testimonials “Global Dharma Conference was among one of the greatest spiritual gath...
Investments in mountain ecosystems should be made where they are most needed to conserve biodiversity, alleviate poverty, and enhance sustainable livelihoods. A large population in the HKH region still lives in poverty and is highly dependent on ecosystem services for livelihoods, especially in remote ...
The outbreaks of emerging and reemerging diseases have a high impact on the human and animal health because they are the underlying causes of disability, death, and long-term illness. For many regions those details are not, or just poorly known. Here we