Popular Hindu Boy Names Start With K NAMEMEANINGRELIGION KaranLight; The Firstborn of Kunti; KarnaHindu KunalAnything; God of the Universe; Son of Emperor AshokHindu KartikSon of Lord Shiva; Name of a Month in the Hindu Calendar; Bestowing Courage and PleasureHindu ...
Hindu names K Asokan as editor for its Tamil dailyTE Narasimhan &Gireesh Babu
Hindu Boy Names with Meaning Selecting Hindu names for boys is a profoundly significant choice, deeply rooted in tradition and spirituality. These names are not merely labels; they are expressions of identity, heritage, and aspirations. Parents, both in India and abroad, often embark on a quest...
Hindu Goddess Names Goddess Durga:Durga is a form of Devi, the supreme goddess. The name "Durga" in sanskrit means "invincible". The worship of Goddess Durga is very popular among Hindus. * A B C D E F G H I J K L M N
Hindu God Names Lord Ganesh :Ganesh, or Ganesha, is one of Hinduisms most popular deities. He is the first born son of Shiva and Parvati, and the 'consort' of Buddhi (also called Riddhi) and Siddhi. * A B C D E F G H
1. a Hindu sect worshipping Shakti as a mother goddess under such names as Kali and Durga through contemplation and humility; right-hand Shaktism.2. a Hindu Tantric sect worshiping Shakti as the feminine principle of gen-eration through rites involving ritual eating and orgy; left-hand Shakti...
It is believed that Europe had borrowed the planetary names for the week's days that the Babylonians used. Babylon was a part of the Assyrian Empire. When Hindus had spread to Assyria, they had brought this system of the week with them. Sunday...
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She killed all his army using Pasupathastra and killed him with Kameshwarasthra. The gods then praised her. She then recreated Manmatha for the good of the world. This story is contained in the first 84 names of the first 34 slokas of Lalitha Sahasra nama . and all together contains ...
16 Vasishtha performs the Brahmanical ritual of naming, giving names—and identities—to the infants Ram, Laxman, Bharat and Shatrughan. The tradition of guru–shishya is further elaborated in the second and third episodes, in which guru Vasishtha takes Ram and his brothers, as shishyas (...