Post-Vedic Hinduism in all its forms accepts the doctrine ofkarma, according to which the individual reaps the results of his good and bad actions through a series of lifetimes (seetransmigration of souls). Also universally accepted is the goal ofmokshaormukti,liberation from suffering and from ...
The author also discusses the idea of ethical and religious rehabilitation without onto-theological baggage through the postmodern critical work of French Jewish philosopher Emmanuel Levinas.YadlapatiMadhuriM.Journal of Ecumenical StudiesYadlapati, M. M. (2011). The problem with karma: A Levinasian ...
This latter section includes Greek philosophers such as Pythagoras, Orpheus and Plato, who had all returned to Greece and preached the concepts of karma, bhakti, gyāna, reincarnation and Mokṣa. Iranian philosophers such as Mani also visited India and later preached similar messages as the ...
Belief Nettold me: "According to Hinduism, sexual pleasure is part ofkama, one of the four goals of life. On the matter of masturbation, Hindu scripture is silent, neither labeling bad nor encouraging the practice. Traditional Islamic thought, on the other hand...
Karma, Akarma and Vikarma According to the Bhagavadgita: This essay explains the meaning of karma, akarma and vikarma, action, inaction and wrong action according to the Bhagavadgita 12 Great Emperors of Ancient India: Find here a brief description of the history of 12 great rulers of ancie...
The Meaning and Importance of Kindness in Hinduism In Hinduism, kindness, or dayā , is not only a moral virtue but also a manifestation of divinity within human beings. Rooted in the concept of Ahimsa (non-violence), kindness embodies the core principle that all living beings are interconnecte...
[58]inVishnu Purāṇato the description of Sri Krishna Avatara theParipoorna Avatara. And according to Lord Krishna's own instructionsupadeṣa, "he who knows the secrets of His (Krishna's) Janma[59]andKarma[60]will not remain insaṅsāra[61]and attain Him after leaving the mortal ...
"[2] The scripture further states, "Achāra lakshano dharmā"[3], meaning "Conduct is the illustration of dharm (spiritual duty.)" Conduct is continuously emphasized over all else, even prayers, because conduct is karma. So the Vishnu Sahasranama declares, "Achāra Prabhavo Dharmā / ...
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Hudson introduces the question of theodicy into the Mahābhārata, using Weber’s comment that the doctrine ofkarmaprovides “the most complete formal solution to the problem of theodicy” (190). However, theodicy is only a problem in a dualistic system, in which creation is a real event. In...