The Cycles of the Universe:The Universe is continuously going through a process of Creation, Destruction and Rebirth. A specific Universe lasts as long as the Life of its Brahma (equivalent to about 311.04 trillion years). During this period, the Universe goes through multiple deaths and rebirth...
Because of this, it’s sometimes referred to as a “family of religions” or a “way of life” rather than a single, established religion. Hindus hold to the concepts of karma and samsara, or the eternal cycle of birth, death, and rebirth (the universal law of cause and effect). ...
bad actions through a series of lifetimes (seetransmigration of souls). Also universally accepted is the goal ofmokshaormukti,liberation from suffering and from the compulsion to rebirth, which is attainable through elimination of passions and through knowledge of reality and finally union with God....
The TENBU live for countless ages, but even they grow old and die, for they are still trapped in theSix States of Existence, the cycle of suffering, the cycle of rebirth and redeath (i.e., Sanskritsamsara). The Tenbu are hindered by their great bliss and thus they fail to recognize ...
There are three foremost deities: Brahma, Vishnu and Maheshwara, who are considered the parts of one and only god (parabrahman) responsible for the creation, preservation and destruction of the worlds. three letters of the word 'AUM' are considered to represent them. ...
sages call it by various names (Fisher, 1999, p. 79). Visnu is known as the "all-prevader," whereas Siva is known as the god of destruction and reproduction (Radhakrishnan & Moore, 1957). Together with Brahman (the "absolute") these gods form the apex of the Hindu pantheon (Eck, ...
The concept ofdharmais central to Hinduism, underpinning its ideas of rebirth, existence, salvation, and even cosmogenesis. Yet this concept is seldom understood and frequently misrepresented. One of the key sources of difficulty is the confusion between substantive and normative senses ofdharma, and...
“earn” God (Brahman) through the practice ofnirguṇadevotion. As a “precious” spiritual asset on the path of liberation,nirguṇa bhaktiestablishes the religious authority and authenticity ofsādhus, while setting them apart from othersādhusand holy figures in a vibrant North Indian ...
Dharma refers to God’s divine law which orders the cosmos. When we follow dharma, our souls are brought into harmony and advanced towards God, truth, and righteousness. Reincarnation, also known as punarjanma, is a cyclic process of birth, life, death, and rebirth. Instead of an afterlife...