a. Over the last three decades, a movement toward Hinduizing India--advancing the status of Hindus toward political and social primacy in India-- has continued to gain ground in South Asia and diasporic communities. The Sangh Parivar (the Sangh "family"), the network of groups at the forefr...
( notes allan grapard , p. 75), “but an extremely concrete combinatory phenomenon” wherein deities “gained by accretion & interplay a mass of meaning they didn’t have independently” sources (last access sept. 2017): (1) woodblock, torii kiyohiro 鸟居清広 (active 1737-1776), mfa ....
Historian Sukumari Bhattacharji notes that, “in all these rites, it is the father who conducts the service, while the mother is absolutely in the background; she does not act or speak at any of these rites”. [55] Bhattacharji answers her own question—“What is the mother’s role ...
Today, the Internet is swarmed by many hateful Hindu Nationalist posters who liberally quote fromIslamophobic blogs and hate siteslike Gates of Vienna and Jihad Watch. Golwalkar died in 1973. But Nazi memorabilia, including Adolf Hitler's biography Mein Kampf, are continuing to grow in popularity ...
Versions Notes Abstract This article examines the impact of the gradual Hindutvaization of Indian culture and politics on Indian Muslims. The article contrasts the status of Muslims in the still secular, pluralistic, and democratic constitution of India with the rather marginalized reality of Muslims ...
Notes 1. http://www.ohchr.org/EN/ProfessionalInterest/Pages/CMW.aspx. 2. http://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C189. 3. http://www.ilo.org/dyn/normlex/en/f?p=NORMLEXPUB:12100:0::NO::P12100_ILO_CODE:C143. 4. http://www.ilo....
the Environmental Protection Law of 2014, though perceived as the most progressive and stringent, was considered by some to be inadequate in terms of the overriding power of other laws such as the water law, as well as other factors, including the fragmented and overlapping structure of environme...