An additional reason for this could also be the Hindu concept of cyclic time, such as yugas, or days of Brahma in approximately 4.3 billion year cycles (unlike the concept of linear time in many other religions). In fact, time is represented as Kaala Chakra - the Wheel of Time. (...
This is termed nirvikalpa samadhi, Self Realization, and may be attained in this life, granting moksha, permanent liberation from the cycles of birth and death. A secondary goal is savikalpa samadhi, the realization of Satchidananda, a unitive experience within superconsciousness in which perfect ...
Mokṣa, thus, stands in opposition todharma, “but the opposition is of another kind than that ofadharmatodharma. Dharmaupholds the established order, whileadharmathreatens it;adharmais sheer lawlessness.Mokṣa, however, is the abandonment of the established order, not in favor of anarchy,...
For the past five to six decades, the HKH have shown a rising trend of extreme warm events; a falling trend of extreme cold events; and a rising trend in extreme values and frequencies of temperature-based indices (both minimum and maximum). The number of cold nights reduced by 1 night ...
Are Hindu nationalists jealous of the Taliban’s success? How do they really feel about the Taliban taking over Afghanistan? There are some glaring inconsistencies in the modality of your question. First of all, there is no Global Right in the manner that there is a Global Left – ...
Hindu calendar, dating system used inIndiafrom about 1000bceand still used to establish dates of theHindureligious year. It is based on a year of 12lunar months; i.e., 12 full cycles of phases of theMoon. The discrepancy between the lunar year of about 354 days and the solar year of...