Hindu Festivals Calendar Hindu calendar is also called as "Panchang" ("Panchanga" or "Panchangam") or "Panjika". it is the astrological calendar used by practicing Hindus. Many different variations of hindu calendar used in different parts of India. Some popular calendars are Kalnirnay, Biraja...
Calendar Muhurats Vratas Festivals Hindu Calendar The Hindu or Vedic calendar is based on the Moon cycle. It comprises 12 lunar months, each representing a full cycle of the Moon. To balance the lunar year of roughly 354 days with the solar year of about 365 days, an extra month is ...
Hindu holidays and festivals Holidays in India 12 Lunar Months... Months in the Hindu Calendar Lunar MonthsSolar (civil) Months Chaitra Mīna Vaisakha Meṣa Jyeshtha Vṛṣabha Ashadha Mithuna Shraavana Karkaṭa Bhadra Siṃha Ashvin Kanyā Kartik Tulā Agahana Vṛścika Pausha ...
In this page, Get to know the list of Festivals in India in the year of 2025. Check the upcoming months festivals, date, time from AstroVed.com.
Looking for a complete list of Hindu Festivals in 2021 month wise? Checkout the month wise Indian Hindu Festivals Calendar in 2021.
Read & Know about all months of Indian festivals and holidays in the year 2025. which includes Government, National, Buddhist, Jain, Sikh, and Christian in India.
Here is a quick list of popular festivals in 2020 and know why they are celebrated. Find out their mythological significance and why muhurat is calculated to celebrate festivals.
The lunisolar calendar governing Hindu religious life and almost all Indian festivals and dating in its classic form from the fourth centuryad. The solar year is divided into 12 lunar months in accordance with the successive entrances of the sun into the signs of the zodiac, the months varying...
2025 Hindu Calendar Panchang App is your ultimate guide to Indian culture and tradition, now available in English, Hindi, Gujarathi, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Bangla, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, and more! Explore festivals, holidays, Panchangam, graham details, and events all in one place with...
Read how Hindu Calendar 2019 is helpful in aligning all our holidays and auspicious tasks. Get to the the dates of festivals and other events.