A language using the Devanagari script and enriched with Sanskrit vocabulary. Hindi literature is replete with works that extensively employ Sanskrit-derived words. Nepali Of or pertaining to or characteristic of Nepal or its people or language or culture; Nepalese troops massed at the border Nepali...
- Hindi words derived from Sanskrit - Hindi words derived from Arabic - Hindi words derived from English - Hindi words derived from French - etc. ● Custom lists - Create a list - Add an entry into a list - Review a list ● Basic features: ...
‘Hindu’, derived from the Sanskrit word Sindhu, was the local name for the Indus River in northwestern part of the Indian subcontinent. It was further popularized by the Arabic term al-Hind referring to the land of the people who live across Ind Note Although a lot of Hindus speak Hindi...
Similarities and Differences Hindi Hindiis derived fromHindustaniwhich literally means Indian. Hindi originated from Sauraseni Prakrit. In the periods of Mughals and Delhi Sultanate, Persian was the official language and hence Khari Boli adopted many words from Persian. Hindi is the official language ...
The terms "Hindi" and "Hindu" trace back to Old Persian which derived these names from the Sanskrit name Sindhu (सिन्धु ), referring to the river Indus. The Greek cognates of the same terms are "Indus" (for the river) and "India" (for the land of the river). ...
An Indic language of northern India, derived from Sanskrit and written in the Devanagari script. It is the fourth most widely spoken language in the world, with more than 250 million people speaking it as their first language. Punjabi A native or inhabitant of the Punjab. Hindi Relating to ...
Chapter 2 1. In the Indo-Iranian we have Persian, Bengali, Hindi, Romany, the last three of which are derived form the dead language Sanskrit.(印度-伊朗语包括波斯语、孟加拉语、印地语和吉普赛语,后…
Later in 500 BCE, the mid-Indo-Aryan languages or 'Prakrits' were born. Though Prakrits were derived from Sanskrit, they were far more unrefined with significant differences in their grammar and vocabulary. These include Pali, Gandhari, Magadhi, Maharashtri, Sauraseni, and Apabrahmsa. You ...
Hindi has borrowed a number of prefixes and suffixes from Persian that, when combined withindigenousroots, have created new words. Similarly, the process of hybridization with English has produced a large number of derivednominals, such askaungresi(congress+i),Ameriki(America+i), andvaiscansalari...
Hindi is closely related toUrdu, the main language of Pakistan, which is written with the Arabic script. Linguists consider Standard Hindi and Standard Urdu to be different formal registers both derived from the Khari Boli dialect, which is also known as Hindustani. Apart from the difference in...