Space meaning in Hindi is अंतरिक्ष and it can write in roman as Antariksh. Along with the Hindi meaning of Space, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Space. Check the spelling of the word Space here and learn the appropriate use of ...
Translation is the process of translating words from one language into another. In other words English translation is the process of translating Hindi language words or text into English language. Translation is not about word-for-word substitution. ...
Lots of people claim to have seen alien space craft in the night sky, but we are still not sure if it's true. One of our representatives will handle your claim. The war claimed millions of lives. No terrorist attack in history had claimed so many lives. I will be waiting for you ...
Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting. Almost all implementations of virtual memory divide the virtual address space of an application program into pages; a page is a block of contiguous virtual memory addresses. ...
These are the letter spacing, the way the specific font or type is designed, word spacing, and line spacing ( leading ). Combinations of these tone letters are schematics of the pitch contour of a tone, mapping the pitch in the letter space and ending in a vertical bar. *The kerning (...
Translator | English to Telugu transliteration | English to Telugu conversion free from Direct copy paste will not work. Type in English, each word by word then press [SPACE], It converted into Telugu. In case you are not getting the correct word, press backspace ...
Online Hindi ToolsConversion Dictionary Hindi Search Export To Image Fonts Help FAQEnglish To Hindi ConversionType in English and press space(add space) to get converted to hindi Do not copy paste type yourself word by word. eg:hindi blog or your name (Press Ctrl+g to toggle between ...
The Hindi word for garden is बगीचा, which can be transliterated as bagicha or bageecha. Type with the Hindi Phonetic IME To type बगीचा, select the Hindi Phonetic IME from the system tray. Then typebagichawith the English keys. As you type, you can see how th...
1) Enter any word in English like - aap[Press Space]kaise[Press Space]hai[Press Space] 2) Your entered text will get converted to Hindi -आप कैसे है. Tip -If your entered word doesn't match the desired word in Hindi, press backspace twice & it will show more ...
Our tool helps you to get the suggestions based on your input. To get suggestions click on the word or use backspace. This will pop up a menu from which you can choose right word. You can easily switch between Hindi and English, to toggle the language Press (Ctrl + G) together. ...