Hindi Code, Special Character Code for Hindi, Hindi typing code, The Code is combination of Alt key and some numeric value
hokshakshaakshukshekshoukshhtratrian Above is the chart to convert totype Hindi character using English keysfor reference. It will be very helpful for the biginners who want to learn hindi typing.
FAQs onTyping Test For 5 Minutes: Is Typing 20 wpm unbelievable? Here is an energetic chart of Typing speeds so you can see where you stand: 10 wpm: At this speed, your Typing speed is course under regular, and you should zero in on fitting Typing framework (clarified under). 20 wpm...
{ //Starting of Main Function clrscr(); // Clears the Screen printf("Gopal & Krishna"); // Prints the Name on Screen getch(); // To Pause the output screen until we press a key } Output Gopal & Krishna 39 www.BccFalna.com C in Hindi Program Flow tc bl Program dks Run fd;k ...