This is a free Dual Dictionary. - English to Kannada Dictionary - English to Hindi Dictionary - Simple and easy to use - Simple and Intuitive UI - Works offline…
AncientItalianJapaneseJavaneseKannadaKazakhKhmerKirghizKorean VerticalKoreanKurdish KurmanjiKurdish Sorani 2Kurdish SoraniLaoLatinLatvianLithuanianLuxembourgishMacedonianMalayMalayalamMalteseMaoriMarathiMath EquationMeiteiMoldavianMongolianNepaliNorwegianOccitanOriyaPanjabiPushtoPersianPolishPolytonic GreekPortuguesePushtoQuechua...
- Simple and easy to use - Simple and Intuitive UI - Works offline - Fast This dictionary provides meanings of English words in Kannada and Hindi. This application also provides pronunciation of the English word. This application is useful for improving vocabulary and learning new words. ...
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We analysed 700 different words of Kannada, English and Hindi in order to extract the discrimination features and for the development of knowledge base. We use the horizontal projection profile of each text word and based on the horizontal projection profile we extract the appropriate features. The...
Welcome to Masihi Geet site. "Masihi Geet" is a Hindi word and it means Christian Songs. The sole purpose of putting up the Christian song site "Masihi Geet" is to bring glory to our Lord and SaviorJesus Christ. We will add many popular videos and christian songs in these pages. ...
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“In a country with a diverse set of languages, one of the things that binds us together is cricket. I believe a gamified version of the sport with a regional touch will be more relatable to the audiences. I am glad to bring a new experience to t...
Venkateswara Vratham is about the divine and miraculous vratham of Sree Venkateswara.PDFbooks are available for download in Telugu, English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada, Tamil, Italian, Malayalam and French.MP3Audio files are available for download in Telugu, English and Malayalam. ...