Page 23 of 45 Plural formation Singular and plural of nouns in the direct case: Masculine: Ending in -a Singular: लड़का = boy Plural: लड़के = boys Masculine: Ending in another vowel (very few): Singular: गुरु = teacher Plural: गुरु = teacher ...
HUMAN RIGHTS SINGULAR-PLURAL: TRANSLATING DALIT AUTOBIOGRAPHY FROM HINDI.The article presents an examination into the literary genre of the atmakatha, a form of Hindi autobiography frequently used by members of the Dalit caste to promote advocacy for human rights in India. Discussion is offered ...
RecommendedNot recommended यहां यहाँ पांच पाँच हां हाँ Currency Use रुपया (singular), रुपये (plural), पैसा (paisa), and पैसे (paise). For example, use अस्सी रु...
SingularandPlural Singular saahib Plural saahibaan Origin- Arabic sahib, title of courtesy, Mr, Sir Singular nabii Plural ambiyaa Origin- Arabic the messenger, prophet Singular sanam Plural asnaam Origin- Arabic beloved, lover Same Soundingwords ...
Third person singular: यह yah - He / She/ It / This Third person plural: वह vah - He / She/ It / That In spoken Hindi these words are pronounced slightly differently: यह is pronounced yeh and वह is pronounced voh. You should use यह yeh when speaking abou...