Straight meaning in Hindi is सादगी and it can write in roman as Sadagi. Along with the Hindi meaning of Straight, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Straight. Check the spelling of the word Straight here and learn the appropriate use of the ...
Piccolo Definition & Meaning In English Piccolo (n.) A small, shrill flute, the pitch of which is an octave higher than the ordinary flute; an octave flute. (n.) An organ stop, with a high, piercing tone. (n.) A small upright piano....
primly meaning in Hindi with examples: औपचारिक ढंग से अतिनैतिकतापूर्ण ढंग से ... click for more detailed meaning of primly in Hindi with examples, definition,
silos in Hindi: साइलो बुखारी ... click for more detailed meaning of silos in Hindi, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.