Premises meaning in Hindi is ग़ैरमनक़ूला जायदाद and it can write in roman as Gairamanakaoola Jayadad. Along with the Hindi meaning of Premises, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Premises. Check the spelling of...
plinths meaning in Hindi with examples: स्तंभ स्तम्भ की नीचे की चौंकी न्याधार ... click for more detailed meaning of plinths in Hindi with examples, definition,
meaning in Hindi is कारण and it can write in roman as Karan. Along with the Hindi meaning of Reason, multiple definitions are also stated to provide a complete meaning of Reason. Check the spelling of the word Reason here and learn the appropriate use of the Reason in a ...
lettre in Hindi: पत्र ... click for more detailed meaning of lettre in Hindi, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.
Origin - Arabic change of residence from one place to another, shifting of premises, moving from a placeLearn MoreWord in News Hindustan mein intiKHaabaat ke liye Ameriki funding par rok Feb 17, 2025 | Roznama Rashtriya Sahara Origin of intiKHaabaat - Arabic Meaning of intiKHaabaat election...