(n.)An individual instance; a particular. (a.)Being alone; belonging to, or being, that of which there is but one; unique. (n.)The singular number, or the number denoting one person or thing; a word in the singular number.
Jungle- derived from the Hindi word"jangal"meaning "a wild wasteland". Pyjama- The word was taken from the Hindi word"payajama". Broken down,"pay"means "leg" and"jama"means "clothing". Cashmere- it's an old spelling of"kashmir"as they pronounce it in Hindi, the state where these sh...
hyaluronidase meaning in Hindi with examples: हायल्यूरोनिडेज हायल्यूरोनिडेस ... click for more detailed meaning of hyaluronidase in Hindi with examples, definition, pronu
meaning in Hindi sound: aliphatic sentence in Hindi TranslationMobile • ऐलिफैटिक• स्निग्ध ADJ• एलिफैटिक Examples 1. For instance cinnamaldehyde presents both aliphatic double bond and aldehyde function. 2. Nylons must specifical...
For instance, settlements along the Balsas River had ball courts. Some are teakwood and others are of lightweight woods such as balsa. Beyond the starting five is the Magic's balsa wood bench.Meaningnoun. forest tree of lowland Central America having a strong very light wood; used for making...
rheums in Hindi: कफ ... click for more detailed meaning of rheums in Hindi, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.
For instance: "जिरे (Jire)" meaning in Hindi will be "जीरा (Jeera)""मुहावरे (Muhavare)" meaning in Hindi will be "मुहावरे (Muhaavare)" Powered by Google. High accuracy rate. Instant online translation. Translate up to 1500...
What is deal meaning in Hindi? The word or phrase deal refers to the act of distributing playing cards, or a particular instance of buying or selling, or an agreement between parties (usually arrived at after discussion) fixing obligations of each, or the type of treatment received (especially...
For instance, almost every language has vocabulary that may look the same in writing, but because the words are pronounced differently, they have very different meanings. This means that you may say a word in Hindi, and because of a slight change in pronunciation, the meaning of the word ...
• Translate the intended meaning of the colloquialism in the source text (as opposed to literally translating the colloquialism), but only if the colloquialism's meaning is an integral part of the text that can't be omitted. • If the colloquialism can be omitted without affecting the ...