The "'actinide "'or "'actinoid"'( IUPAC nomenclature ) series encompasses the 15 metallic chemical elements with atomic numbers from 89 to 103, actinium through lawrencium. Meaning noun. any of a series of radioactive elements with atomic numbers 89 through 103 ...
canalis in Hindi: नलिका ... click for more detailed meaning of canalis in Hindi, definition, pronunciation and example sentences.
Healthy food slogans are not just catchy phrases; they remind us of the importance of nourishing our bodies with wholesome meals. Incorporate these slogans into your marketing efforts, share them on posters, and let them serve as daily reminders of the positive impact of healthy eating on our ...
I wish more people were aware of what Bollywood truly encompasses. When you exclaim, “I love Bollywood!” there is a reason why I can’t bring myself to reply, “OMG, totes
The context of a word can be determined by using the words preceding it. It has been proven that LSTMs are capable of capturing the relevant context of the word by using memory cells in the network. These memory cells record the meaning of previously occurring words. To model the contextual...