Nagavalli(2010) is a Telugu horror comedy film directed by P. Vasu. Starring Venkatesh,Anushka Shetty,Richa Gangopadhyay,Shraddha Das, Poonam Kaur and Kamalinee Mukherjee in lead roles. The movie was a flop and dubbed in Hindi as‘Mera Badla – Revenge’. Plot:Shankar Rao, a businessman, a...
Adhurs(2010) is a Telugu action drama film directed by V.V. Vinayak. The film starsNTR a dual-role, and Nayantara and Sheela as female leads. The film was a hit at the box-office. This movie dubbed in Hindi as‘Judwaa No.1’. Plot:Male twins are separated at birth and liv...
Actually, more than hit movies, flop movies of Mahesh turns out to be memorable. After Nijam, 1 Nenokkadine is one of the best performance-oriented roles for Mahesh. His performance in the interval episode and the climax are unforgettable ones for Mahesh Babu. The film’s Hindi dubbed versio...
Santosham(2002) is a Telugu romantic-comedy film directed by Dasharath. The film stars Nagarjuna Akkineni and Shriya Saran. The movie was a super hit and dubbed in Hindi as‘Pehli Naazar Ka Pehla Pyaar’. Plot:After losing the man she loves to her cousin, a woman gets her hopes up whe...
of films like action, romance, comedy, and drama. He has acted in Bollywood, Telugu, Bengali, Kannada, Telugu and also in Hollywood film industry. The evergreen movies of Rajinikanth are always there in the hearts of his fans. So, here is the list of Hindi dubbed movies of Rajini...
Watch the SouthKorean movie ‘Miss Granny ‘ remake. It is an Indian Telugu language fantasy comedy movie that is also dubbed in Hindi. The movie is about a 70-year-old grandma who gets a chance to reduce her age and become a 24-year-old lady. As she gets a second chance in life...
Telugu hero, he has attained the Pan Indian image. On par with Bollywood heroes, Prabhas has been enjoying name and fame. All his upcoming movies are Pan Indian ones and his range is only going upwards. Now, we bring you the list of Prabhas’ most popular films that are dubbed in ...
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