This courtroom drama is based on Section 375 of India's Indian Penal Code laws. The movie features Akshaye Khanna, Richa Chadha, Meera Chopra, and Rahul Bhat in pivotal roles. Section 375 is an underrated movie and isBest Hindi Movies on Amazon Prime, but the acting and story keep you h...
The movie takes that legal definition and turns it into a dramatic story that plays out largely in an Indian courtroom. The story details a woman who accuses a famous Bollywood director of rape. Of course, because this is a fictional account and not inspired by real events, there is a twi...
Hotstar Hotstar’s ultra-popular courtroom drama Criminal Justice returned with a fresh installment in 2020. It’s an entirely new story and not season two of the previous show with the same name. The plot of Behind Closed Doors revolves around a young woman named Anuradha Chopra, who goes o...
Learning about this, Minal enlists Deepak as a helper. Threaten by the boys’ force, the girls insist on fighting back in the courtroom. Will Deepak's argument work for Minal? Cast Amitabh Bachchan portrayed the lawyer in retirement in Pink movie. With his excellent acting as a wise old m...
Those statistics come after a finale that is so silly that it undermines any salient points the film tries to make. The courtroom scene plays out in a way that I’m confident no Indian judge would ever allow. The corny way it tries to guide audience emotions feels outdated, and not in...