Each letter in the Hindi alphabet has its own independent and distinct sound. This means, Hindi words are pronounced exactly as they are written. Therefore, Hindi is much easier to learn. Like period or full stop, a vertical right stroke is used at the end of a sentence to signal the se...
You may see the counting of Vowels and consonants are given different - different in various books or publications because of evolution and standardization process of writing system time to time. Hindi language is write and type in Devanagari script. Here is a chart of Hindi Alphabets for the ...
1. Yama(social ethics of non-violence, truth, non-stealing, continence, and non-coveting) 2. Niyama(personal ethics of purity, contentment, ardour, study, devotion) 3. Asana(discipline of the body through posture to provide a sound base for taming the mind) ...