hinayana buddhism 读音:美英 hinayana buddhism基本解释 小乘佛教;南传佛教 分词解释 Hinayana小乘佛教(主要流传于斯里兰卡、缅甸、泰国和柬埔寨) Buddhism佛教 hinayana buddhism是什么意思 hinayana buddhism怎么读 hinayana buddhism在线翻译 hinayana buddhism中文意思 hinayana buddhism的解释 hinayana buddhism的发音 hinayana ...
Hinayana BuddhismHinayana Buddhism from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed.. Read Hinayana Buddhism from The Columbia Encyclopedia, 6th ed. now at Questia.The Columbia Encyclopediath ed
Hinayana Buddhism 网络 小乘佛教; 贬称为小乘佛教了; 南传佛教; 小乘
hinayana buddhismphr. 小乘佛教 mahayana buddhismphr. 大乘佛教(专指汉传佛教,包括信、愿、行、证四个阶次的修学,是中国和日本占统治地位的宗教信仰) theravada buddhismphr. 上座部佛教 tibetan buddhismphr. 藏传佛教 Esoteric Buddhism密宗 zen buddhism禅宗 ...
参考例句 A Prakit language that is a scriptural and liturgical language of Hinayana Buddhism.巴利语记录小乘佛教典籍所用的一种印度语言 There is evidence of the existence of some Hinayana Buddhism of the sanskrit canon有史料证明有崇信梵文佛典的小乖佛教存在。
Noun1.Hinayana Buddhism- an offensive name for the early conservative Theravada Buddhism; it died out in India but survived in Sri Lanka and was taken from there to other regions of southwestern Asia Hinayana Theravada,Theravada Buddhism- one of two great schools of Buddhist doctrine emphasizing pe...
小乘佛教,音译"希那衍那" (也称巴利语佛教),于公元9世纪从缅甸传入云南省的傣族、布朗族、阿昌族和德昂族少数民族聚居区。今天它的信奉者主要是这些少数民族的人们,还有一部分白族、京族和拉祜族人。在中国它被称为巴利语佛教,因为巴利语是在古印度寺庙里使用的语言。
In contrast, Mahayana Buddhism (the “Greater Vehicle”) focuses on collective liberation -- not just for monks, but for laity too. The Mahayana school allows the masses to enjoy the pleasures of worldly life while still bringing them the hope of salvation. ...
同义词:Hinayana BuddhismHinayana详细解释 Hi.na.ya.nan.Buddhism (名词)【佛教】 A small, conservative branch of Buddhism following the Pali scriptures and the nontheistic ideal of self-purification to nirvana.Also called Theravada 小乘:佛教中较保守的一个小宗派,信奉巴利文佛教经典,并具为认为通过自律...