MahayanaFound mainly in China, Korea, Vietnam, and Japan. Often known as the Northern Traditions of Buddhism. Vajrayana (Esoteric or Tantric Buddhism)Practiced mainly in Tibet, Nepal, and Mongolia, but in Japan has a strong hold with the Shingon 真言, Tendai 天台, and Shugendō 修験道 se...
hinayana buddhismphr. 小乘佛教 mahayana buddhismphr. 大乘佛教(专指汉传佛教,包括信、愿、行、证四个阶次的修学,是中国和日本占统治地位的宗教信仰) theravada buddhismphr. 上座部佛教 tibetan buddhismphr. 藏传佛教 Esoteric Buddhism密宗 zen buddhism禅宗 ...
Related to Hinayana Buddhism:Theravada Buddhism,Mahayana Buddhism,Vajrayana Buddhism ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch tonew thesaurus Noun1.Hinayana Buddhism- an offensive name for the early conservative Theravada Buddhism; it died out in India but survived in Sri Lanka and was taken ...
Hegel on Buddhism 2007 The terms Hinayana (Theg-dman) and Mahayana (Theg-chen), meaning modest or “lesser” vehicle and vast or “greater” vehicle, first appeared in The Sutras on Far-reaching Discriminating Awareness (Sher-phyin-gyi mdo, Skt. Prajnaparamita Sutras; The Perfection of Wis...
7.theHinayanaBuddhism literature部派佛教文学 用法例句 1. In fact, manyHinayanaand Mahayana, they don´t think Vajrayana is Buddhism. 事实上,很多小乘和大乘都不相信金刚乘是佛教。 2. The Mahayana Buddhism and TheHinayanaBuddhism came into China almost simultaneously. ...
Still, compared with Mahayana and Hinayana Buddhism in Nepal and Bihar, the Tibetan tradition is a fairly new phenomenon. FromWashington Post Let us take, first of all, the schools of the Hinayana, or Minor Vehicle, which, as we should expect, is not extensively represented in Japan. ...
The Mahayana-Hinayana distinction in the"Mahayanasutralamkara": A terminological analysis Aspects Of Mahayana Buddhism And Its Relation To Hinayana Hinayana Buddhism and The Coping of the Dai's Psychological stress:A Case Study of Manzha Village of Menghan,Jinghong ...
2.Thus Hinayana Buddhism, starting from the doctrine of Transience, arrived at the pessimistic view of life in its extreme form. 3.We have to note that there are some differences between the Mahayana doctrine of unreality and the Hinayana doctrine of unreality. ...
4 . In fact, there are two major sects of Buddhism in India, the Mahayana and theHinayana. 传说玄奘在印度取经时曾住在一座大乘佛寺内. 来自互联网 网络释义 -Hinayana 1 . 小乘佛教 佛祖去世以后,印度佛教教团即发生分裂,后逐渐形成两大主流︰小乘佛教(Hinayana)和大乘佛教(Mahayana)。“乘”指交通工具...
2) Mahayana/Greater Vehicle 大乘(佛教宗派之一) 例句>> 3) Esotericism [英][,esəu'terisizəm] [美][,ɛsə'tɛrɪsɪzəm] 密教(中国佛教宗派之一)4) Samvrti-satya 佛教宗派 例句>> 5) hinayana buddhism 小乘佛教 1. Hinayana Buddhism and The Coping of the Dai's ...