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No. Even Shimla Dated the, June, 2024 Pradesh, Shimla-01 for information No. Shiksha-Shimla(5-2)-Scholarship Schemes-2024-25 O/0 the Deputy Director Higher Education, Shimla,District,Shimla-171001,H.P. Dated Shimla-171001 Monitoring of the institutions and beneficiaries of Scholarship Schemes ...
HP CM Startup Scheme Launch Himachal Pradesh Government had launched a new CM Startup Scheme for the new industrial startup seeking the exempt of new units from inspection for up to 3 years. The scheme was launched in the year 2016 in order to promote new ideas, products, and processes fo...
In its place, in 2018, a State Project Implementing Unit was set up to launch NF as a programme called Prakritik Kheti Kisan Khushal Yojana (PK3Y) (Figure 3) based on practices popularised by a farmer promoter, Subash Palekar. The main objectives were to reduce the cost of cultivation;...