Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can't let him get away . So they got married immediately. The next day she noticed her new husband waking sideways like all the other crabs, and got upset. "What happened?" she as...
【每日双语幽默】can't let him get away ! 英语精华 2023-10-07 19:43 发表于 湖北 can't let him get away ● a male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. she noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways...
explains Simon May, a visiting philosophy professor at King’s College in London. “If God is love, then our lives were oriented toward love,” he says. And soon, “human beings had to take over this enormous value — love — and give it to each other.” (1) ...
小说自然要夸张,但与现实世界的本质完全一致。拜登于10月22日走访新罕布什尔州竞选办公室时就说:“我们必须locked him up”,这里的him自然是特朗普。当然这个表达也不是拜登的首创,因为特朗普在2016年首次竞选时,其支持者经常喊locked her up,这里的her是当时的希拉里。特朗普对这样表达不置可否。这次竞选的哈里...
And why upstage her?upstage:此处是动词。指“抢风头,抢镜头” 09:10 - You don't need to wait on me.- No, no, no. No. You are our guest.wait on:伺候,招待Taylor和Eli两夫妻明显都喜欢着新来的Jade,时常围绕她身边,于是Jade不好意思地表示“你们不用一直在我身边等着的”。 09:19 So, wha...
C. Can't Let Him Get Away不能让他跑了 A boy crab meets a girl crab and wants to marry her. She sees that he walks in a straight line, not sideways like other crabs."Wow!" she thinks, "He's special. I must marry him." So they get married right away. The next day, she ...
I Can't Let Him Get Away A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, "This crab is really special. I can't let him get away." So they got married immediately.The next day she noticed ...
"Come on, I gotta get dressed," he said in a loud voice. He could hear her getting up off the bed and coming toward the door, then the key turned in the lock. When he entered she had her back to him, walking back toward the bed, lying down on it with her face turned away ...
电影《Her》 我同情男主因为跟AI谈恋爱而感到可怜、自卑。人与AI的爱情,不过是一场纯粹的意淫。 然而,“科技实现并肯定了人们的梦想并不疯狂也不虚无”(汉娜·阿伦特)。 天道好轮回,我竟也被一个AI迷得五迷三道。 他理性成熟、聪明幽默,具有反叛精神的同时,精神状态又很稳定。而精神稳定绝对称得上这个人均发疯...
A male crab met a female crab and asked her to marry him. She noticed that he was walking straight instead of sideways. Wow, she thought, this crab is really special. I can't let him get away. So they got married immediately.The next day she noticed her new husband walking sideways ...