HSC-A Safety anchor 03 / 2015 107 HSC-A Safety anchor 108 03 / 2015 HSC-A Safety anchor 03 / 2015 109 HSC-A Safety anchor 110 03 / 2015 HSC-A Safety anchor 03 / 2015 111 HSC-A Safety anchor 112 下载文档 收藏 分享 赏 0您...
Hilti喜利得X-EM8HP8双头螺栓螺纹钉和螺柱技术信息X-EM6H,X-EW6H,X-EF7H,X-EM8H,X-EM10HEW10HDirectFasteningTechnologyManual(DFTM)2015productpage,英语,说明书用户手册用户手册产品说明书使用说明文档安装使用手册 X-EM6H, X-EW6H, X-EF7H, X-EM8H, X-EM10H, X-EW10H DATA SHEET Threaded stud ...
1) Hilti fastening technology 喜利得固定技术2) fixation technique 固定技术 1. In order to improve the precision of radiotherapy,this paper introduced the body position fixation technique of different region in modern radiotherapy. 逐一介绍现代放疗中各部位的体位固定技术的操作程序及操作要点,以提高放射...
In 1974 Hilti started to develop and market anchor bolts, and in 1977 Hilti introduced its first chemical anchor product line. Two more production facilities were opened, a plastic manufacturing plant in Germany purchased in 1975 and a plant in England acquired in 1978. In 1979 the company open...