Hillbilly Elegy 最近几天抽空看掉了这本《Hillbilly Elegy》,“hillbilly”意底层白人,white trash,我想按照流行方式可以叫做“白渣”。Elegy是挽歌。《白渣挽歌》是为书名。 明天(11月8日)美国大选就要拉开帷幕。作为畅销书,又应景的问世于美国大选之际(2016年6月),... (展开) ...
A deeply moving memoir with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country....
Tonight I would like to share a book called “Hillbilly Elegy”(乡下人的悲歌). I just share the Chinese Pdf version in our wechat group, if anyone want to read it, you are welcome. And if anyone have the English version please don’t hesitate to share with me. The book is written...
A deeply moving memoir with its share of humor and vividly colorful figures, Hillbilly Elegy is the story of how upward mobility really feels. And it is an urgent and troubling meditation on the loss of the American dream for a large segment of this country....
Hillbilly Elegy 最近几天抽空看掉了这本《Hillbilly Elegy》,“hillbilly”意底层白人,white trash,我想按照流行方式可以叫做“白渣”。Elegy是挽歌。《白渣挽歌》是为书名。 明天(11月8日)美国大选就要拉开帷幕。作为畅销书,又应景的问世于美国大选之际(2016年6月),... (展开) 355 11 40回应 smarttree ...
“Hillbilly Elegy”的正确形式应为“Hillbilly Elegy”实际上可能是一个拼写错误,正确的应该是“Hillbilly Elegy”的变体或误写,原意可能指的是“Hillbilly Elegy”(通常指的是一本书《Hillbilly Elegy》,但实际上是《Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Cu...
乡下人的悲歌 英文原版 Hillbilly Elegy J.D.Vance J.D.万斯 pdf epub mobi txt 电子书 下载 具体描述 美国百万册现象级畅销书 讲述向上流动的艰难与愤怒:寒门再难出贵子 Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Family and Culture in Crisis 乡下人的悲歌:穷,是这个世界上冰冷的词语 横扫《纽约时报》《时代周刊》...
existenceofthebookyouholdinyour handssomewhatabsurd.Itsaysright thereonthecoverthatit’samemoir,but I’mthirty-oneyearsold,andI’llbethe firsttoadmitthatI’veaccomplished nothinggreatinmylife,certainlynothing thatwouldjustifyacompletestranger payingmoneytoreadaboutit.The ...