2017. Trump vs. Hillary: What Went Viral During the 2016 US Presidential Election. In SocInfo.Darwish, K., Magdy, W., Zanouda, T.: Trump vs. hillary: What went viral during the 2016 us presidential election. In: International Conference on Social Informatics. pp. 143-161. Springer (...
Zero Day Review — The First Great Series of 2025 2/20/2025 by Ricky Valero FandomWire Jane Fonda to Receive Public Counsel’s William O. Douglas Award for Her Commitment to Social Justice Issues (Exclusive) 2/19/2025 by Matt Minton ...
I have Trump voters as Facebook friends. They deny Trump is as bad as he looks. They don’t believe half the things he says he’ll do. They just think he’s a better choice than Hillary. I’ve followed this election more than I followed the previous US elections, because I felt Tr...
It will be interesting to see if Facebook ever actually releases the numbers for its Endorsements feature, which also acts as a polling tool for the company. On Tuesday, the social network revealed election-related conversation is currently being dominated by Donald Trump, who generated more than...
Donald Trump’s criminal activity mostly just covers building gambling joints, which is relatively benign. If the planned economic collapse and full scale nuclear war does not occur by election day next year, and the scv actually do not fix the ballots, Trump may very well get elected. Once...
Rigging the Election: Video I - Clinton Campaign and DNC Incite Violence at Trump Rallies (十月 17, 2016) Self - 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee Self - 2016 Democratic Presidential Nominee See fewer AAPI for Hillary (2016) (Video) - Self Self See fewer History made: Hillary for Americ...
We collect tweets mentioning the two top candidates in the 2016 US presidential election from June 1st until election day on November 8th, 2016 by using Twitter Search API to retrieve the following queries:trump OR realdonaldtrump OR donaldtrumpandhillary OR clinton OR hillaryclinton. The resulting...
Do you think the general election will be Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump? Certainly, the smart money is on Hillary right now, and I think the smart money is on Trump too. It’s going to take a lot to stop him. I don’t see a clear path for Kasich or Cruz. Something extraordina...
0 She is worse than anyone in the election Trump would be kind of a jerk, but he would be 100 times better than Hillary at doing EVERYTHING.The government and especially the economy would work better, people would have jobs and we would have fewer terror attacks, who cares if the prez...
Bottom line: Don’t let Donald Trump or the press or anyone else convince you that Hillary Clinton is “dogged by scandal” or “works under a constant cloud of controversy” or whatever the nonsense of the day is. That constant cloud is the very deliberate invention of lowlifes in Arkansa...