hill climbing (redirected fromHill-climbing algorithm) hill climbing (algorithm) Agraphsearchalgorithmwhere the current path is extended with a successor node which is closer to the solution than the end of the current path. In simple hill climbing, the first closer node is chosen whereas in ste...
As hill climbing algorithm is a local search method, it can be adopted to improve the result of graph partitioning. However, directly adopting the existing hill climbing algorithm to graph partitioning will result in local minima and poor convergence speed during the iterative process. In this ...
From figure 1 it becomes obvious that the hill-climbing algorithm depends on the two components one is the objective function, and the other is state space. The current state is the state of the search in which the agent presently stands. A local maximum is another goal-oriented solution, b...
The Deep Walk algorithm is a common graph embedding approach that uses pure random walking to capture network structure. In this paper, we propose an efficient model for link prediction based on a hill climbing algorithm. It is used as a cost function. The lower the cost is, the higher ...
A clustering algorithm that first finds the high-density regions (cluster-cores) of the data and then clusters the remaining points by hill-climbing. Such seedings act as more stable and expressive cluster-cores than the singleton modes found by popular
Graph Coloring with Adaptivevan Hemert J.rD.H. Ackley. Connectionist Machine for Genetic Hillclimbing. Boston: Kluwer Aca- demic Publishers, 1987.D. H. Ackley, A Connectionist Machine for Genetic Hillclimbing, Boston, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1987....
Cross ADJ, Myers R, Hancock ER. Con- vergence of a hill-climbing genetic algorithm for graph matching. Pattern Recognition. 2000;33:1863-1880.Convergence of a Hill Climbing Genetic Algorithm for Graph Matching - Cross, Hancock - 1999A. D. J. Cross, R. Myers, and E. R. Hancock. ...
Graph-theoretic approachHill climbingDevelopment of the MUCH Detector and related Electronic Subsystems and Embedded Systemsdoi:10.1007/s10044-017-0668-xGoswami, SaptarsiDas, Amit KumarGuha, PriyankaTarafdar, ArunabhaChakraborty, SanjayChakrabarti, Amlan...