Sustainability at Hill & Smith Our products are focused on increasing the sustainability of infrastructure and making transport safer. Read more Sustainability case studies Our case studies demonstrate how we have embedded our sustainability principles into how we do business. Read more People We are...
Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的股息收益率是2.28%。 Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的市值是多少? 截至今天,Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的市值是1.57B。 Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的每股收益(EPS)是多少? Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的每股收益(EPS)是0.958。 Hill & Smith Holdings Plc的下一财报日是哪天? Hill ...
Expected timetable of principal events PART IVPlacing and Open Offer statistics PART VPersons responsible and Advisers PART VILetter from the Chairman of Hill & Smith PART VII Letter from Arden Partners in respect of the Open Offer PART VIII Information on Hill & Smith PART IXAdditional ...
以下为Hill & Smith Holdings PLC市值/有形资产账面价值数据要点表现汇总 Hill & Smith近十二个月的市值/有形资产账面价值6.1x 12월 2019至2023的财年Hill & Smith的市值/有形资产账面价值为 8.0x 12월 2019至 2023的财年,Hill & Smith的市值/有形资产账面价值中值为8.2x。 过去5年,Hill & Smith的市值...
The security portfolio includes hostile vehicle mitigation solutions, high security fencing and automated gate solutions. UK ATG Access Asset International Structures Barkers Fencing Mallatite Parking Facilities Prolectric Hill & Smith Infrastructure
手机东方财富网是东方财富网的手机门户网站,为亿万用户打造一个手机联通世界的超级平台,提供7*24小时全面及时的财经中文资讯,内容覆盖国内外突发事件、股市资讯、全球新闻、产业资讯、实用信息等。手机东方财富网触屏版 -
以下为Hill & Smith PLC预估折旧和摊销 (InvestingPro)数据要点 表现汇总 Hill & Smith下一财年的预估预估折旧和摊销是37.906百万。 接下来 5 个财年,Hill & Smith的预估预估折旧和摊销均值是 39.934百万。 接下来5个财年,Hill & Smith的预估折旧和摊销中值是40.648百万。
Don't Miss Our New Year's Offers:Discover the latest stocks recommended by top Wall Street analysts, all in one place with Analyst Top StocksMake smarter investments with weekly expert stock picks from the Smart Investor NewsletterHill & Smith Holdings (
HILL & SMITH PLC ORD 25P(HILS)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。
HILL & SMITH PLC ORD 25P(HILS)股吧,股民朋友可以在这里畅所欲言,分析讨论股票名的最新动态。东方财富股吧,专业的股票论坛社区。