The television series in turn was adapted into a book series. The franchise contains various other tie-ins like additional books and a game. The series is produced by Silvergate Media and Mercury Filmworks and directed by Andy Coyle. Set in a world greatly influenced by Scandinavian mythology,...
Librarians understand the importance of making the value of the library known to stakeholders. In this informative and conversational book, Hilda K. Weisburg gradually builds librarians’ communication skills, which are intrinsic to the success of library programs and services. Being able to effectively...
Maria Prusakowski is quite versatile in the services she render. She is exceptionally skilled in books, personal growth, article re-valuation, resource utilization,capacity building and other related matter. I would recommend her to my friends who need her services Cassandra Walker Cassandra Walker...
from room to room. keep a stack of books underneath, so they're at the ready whenever you need them. with a diameter measuring approximately 17.1", this table has a small footprint that fits nicely beside a living room sofa, in your bedroom, or an armchair in your den. top material:...
Hagrid's Hogwarts house is never mentioned in the books, but, given his kindness, noble nature and bravery, it might not come as that much of a surprise that Hagrid was in Gryffindor. Did Hermione keep a person alive in a jar?
Just looking around. Am I not supposed to be in here? Mmm. Well, I guess it's okay. But these books are not for circulation. Reference only. And leave the reshelving to me, got it? Got it. All I really need is this one page. ...
broughtupandeducatedinEstonia.Probably,evenmoresurprisingisthefactthat Taba,belongingtothelistofthemostoutstandingeducatorsofthetwentiethcentury andwhoseacademicworkclimaxedwiththepublicationofthemonographCurriculum development:theoryandpractice(1962),remainedunknowninhernativecountryfor ...
Inline predicates are the ones defined in the path. List<Map<String,Object>>books=JsonPath.parse(json) .read("$[?(@.price < 10)]"); You can use&∧||to combine multiple predicates[?(@.price < 10 && @.category == 'fiction')],[?(@.category == 'reference' || @.pric...