Nobody test a parent’s love like being awakened by a karate chop to the neck by their co-sleeping 3 year old. Those toddler feet. How are these feet clean? My toddlers’ feet were never clean! If by co-sleep you mean a kid appears in our bed at 3am every night and we are too...
This puppy seems to have had enough and decided to show it. As is obvious from the photo, this puppy clearly doesn't want to move past the pet aisle in the supermarket. His owners are waiting patiently, it seems, but that doesn't seem to matter for this...
RELATED:25 Hilarious Student Election Posters RELATED:25Inappropriate Test Answers From Children Free Drinks on Me Image via Complex Original Turn down for what? A.S.S. Man Image via Complex Original This is the last face we would want to address as "A.S.S. Man." I'll Lose Again Is t...
But after the main Family Feud game, it's Fast Money. That's where two members of the wining team have to answer rapid fire questions, separately, and try to tally 200 points. So what happened when Louisiana's Portie family played Fast Money? There you go, the Louisiana-based clan won...
The relationship between the boss and the employee is very important to company productivity, but it can easily become complicated. Those who supervise people have to be cautious about what to say, how to act, and how involved they can get in their emplo
Heard this joke from a little kid. Why was the broken phonograph in the Hall of Fame? Because it broke all the records. upvotedownvotereport The Violin Ensemble playing in Carnegie Hall somehow got an R-18 rating... The censors say it contains explicit scenes of violins encore. ...
Kid : "Can you ev... upvotedownvotereport This jokemaycontain profanity. 🤔 When I was eight my grandfather told me... There was this small pond in the woods and above it a fly was buzzing back and forth. On the edge of the pond was a frog. The frog thought to itself, “If ...
Rich kid- you'll regret this. Do you know who my father is? Policeman - why? Your mother didn't tell you? upvotedownvotereport A policeman, an archer, and a soldier are on an airplane losing altitude. The pilot yells to these passengers, "We're carrying too much weight, drop whateve...
The parish priest needs his house painted so he offers the job to one of his altar boys. The first day the kid paints the entire inside of the house, he’s sweating like hell but eventually gets it finished. The priest commends him on the work and with a flourish hands him a £5....