Greeting cards have expanded to include a variety of situations in the past few years, but somehow, there are still a few occasions in human life not yet covered by them. Birthdays and graduation cards are super easy to find, but what about cards that say "Congratulations on finishing your ...
These 25 birthday jokes are short but, of course, sweet. Get straight to the point with these brief but snappy birthday jokes. They’re fantastic for friends and for coworkers or for quickly making your loved one laugh on their special day. Where do you find a birthday gift for a cat?
Old Age — DIY Funny Birthday Cards These are the funny happy birthday wishes you use for anyone who is getting up there in years. Or just that middle age good friend who seems a little more achy than they used to be… Perfect for your crotchety old grandpa who happens to be the birth...
Novelty gifts for women Have a female friend who doesn't like cleaning? Spend less time on clean-up and make it quick with the World's Smallest Vacuum. Celebrate her birthday and make the party go with a swing with a fun game of cards, or for pool parties, choose this Personalised Mul...
Having a sibling is truly amazing. Older or younger, it doesn't really matter, the bond is extremely strong and unlike any other. Your sibling is your family, your friend, your "partner in crime", and sometimes even your role model. But it isn't always sunshine and rainbows with brother...
What did the birthday girl say on her birthday? It’s not Thurs day it’s my day! Why did the couple name their new baby Thursday? They already had ten kids, so they thought they would call it a day. What do you call a Thursday without sunshine?
How do you know if an octopus is good at playing cards? It has a great poker face. What did the octopus say to the other octopus when they met for the first time? “Nice to tentacle you!” Why was the octopus expelled from school?
Except your name plate and your business cards. I may have ripped mine off of my office door because why would they need that? And is that even technically office supplies? I THINK NOT! Walking Out on the Last Day at Work Meme
January Jones loves Bingo so much, she almost had a Bingo-themed birthday party. Find out why the party never came to life below.
So, instead of trying to downplay it… I should own it, I earned it! I am an ethically driven woman who isn’t afraid to take risks, venture new places and market my experienced set of skills. As for love, that should be in the cards for toute le monde!