Tips:网络上广泛流传的RTSP URL格式“rtsp://用户名:密码@IP:554/h264/ch1/main/av_stream”实际上是海康摄像头在2012年之前的旧版取流协议。目前,该协议已更新为本文所述的新格式。实现RTSP协议推流所需配置 a) 禁用萤石云接入 b) 将视频编码设置为H.264 验证RTSP推流是否成功 首先,下载VLC Media Player...
StreamRTSP URL Main streamrtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/Streaming/Channels/101/ Sub streamrtsp://<user>:<pass>@<cameraip>:<port>/Streaming/Channels/102/ Default RTSP port: 554 Example: rtsp://viewer:pass@ ...
Camera is standalone for theme being. It looks like a Splash Tiles issue. Camera working very happily after a reboot, and I can view the MJPEG stream using a cellular connection to my laptop on the URL. When I go back to Splash Tiles, the PIP goes black, as if it can't handle the...
取第1个通道的第三码流预览:rtsp://用户名:密码@IP:554/Streaming/Channels/103 Tips:网上很多人说url格式为“rtsp://用户名:密码@IP:554/h264/ch1/main/av_stream”,实际上这是2012年之前的海康摄像头的RTSP取流协议格式,现在已经更新为上面的格式。 二、实现RTSP协议推流需要做的配置 a) 关闭萤石云的接入...
http://localhost:8075/webroot/decision/url/hik/video/api?op=show&cameraIndexCode=434eb4b413f0424abe53be2e5e410735&streamType=0 参数说明: 参数 必填 描述 示例 cameraIndexCode true 监控点编号 90ad77d8057c43dab140b77361606927 streamType
Advanced PTZ Control:Enjoy precise control over camera movement with 360° pan and 95° tilt, plus customizable tracking modes. 8MP High Resolution with 30x Zoom:Capture crystal-clear images with 8MP resolution and a 30x optical zoom, ideal for detailed surveillance. ...
Substream rtsp://admin:password@ Video: How to get the RTSP URL for IP cameras Here’s a video to help you to get the RTSP URL for your Hikvision camera. Click the image below to watch it (Hosted on YouTube). ...
我们不保证或者担保您能够使用这些URL连接到您的摄像头。 以"H"开头的其他品牌 H H SeriesH.264H.264 Network DvrH.264 Vga Wireless Cube CameraH.265H.viewH264 Vga Wireless Cube CameraH2md4aH3 137H3518eH6837wiHaconHaiHaivisonHaizHamaHamletHamrabiHamrolHamrolteHanbangHandy Ip CamHangzhouHanhwaHanlin...
SETUP rtsp:// RTSP/1.0 User-Agent: AndroidXMedia3/1.0.1 CSeq: 4 Session: 1299260789 Authorization: Digest username="admin", realm="IP Camera(C2732)", nonce="9f479ccb412b209b411039131bbfec69", uri="rtsp://
this is the isapi url you need to use #define HTTP_TWOWAY_AUDIO_OPEN_URL "/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/open" #define HTTP_TWOWAY_AUDIO_CLOSE_URL "/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/close" #define HTTP_GET_TWOWAY_AUDIO_URL "/ISAPI/System/TwoWayAudio/channels/1/audioData" #...