所以,我们先调整一下MySQL的wait_timeout,将其调整成10分钟,同时,减少Hikari连接池的建立的连接数,将其调整成10. 而且,我注意到,只有当我的HikariCP连接池设置的很大时,出现了Too many connections错误时,此时停止微服务,才会导致连接并没有被完全释放.不知道是否是HikariCP连接池的bug.有时间阅读一下源码,看一下...
HikariCP连接Ojdbc6报错Driver does not support get/set network timeout for connections. (oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.getNetworkTimeout()I) 原因:ojdbc6没实现这个jdbc标准的函数而已 解决方案 使用高版本的Ojdbc即可,本次使用的是Ojdbc7 方案一 项目引入高版本的ojdbc7 <dependency> <groupId>com.oracle...
It is better not to set HikariCP's maximumPoolSize to the exact maximum database connection limit, but rather a few connections less (for example 95 instead of 100). It is also possible that you may have some code that actually does not use try-with-resources and therefore has the possi...
Hi all, Brett, I'm using HikariCP for the past month, transitioning from BoneCP to remedy some leak connection problems. I'm using Hikari with Postgresql, Spring and Hibernate, and I'm printing some MBean statistics about the active/idle...
connections in use are not interrupted but are flagged to be closed once they return to the pool. The rationale behind this is that a significant change in the system clock, either backward or forward, can impact HikariCP's calculations related to idle time, life...
方案二: 下载官网:https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/jdbc-drivers-12c-downloads.html 安装jar包到maven 在Jar下载所在位置打开CMD窗口,将jar包安装在本地仓库后使用pom文件直接引入 注意:该操作需要配置本地Maven到本地环境变量中 在CMD窗口下可输入:mvn -v 来查看Maven是否已配置,如果没有配置,可...
Environment HikariCP version: 2.7.9 JDK version : 1.8.0_111 Database : Oracle Driver version : 0jdbc6 Hi, is this issue resolved? I am facing similar issue where Hikari CP is not able create new connections after connection ha...
The current active connections, after a while, are removed from the pool, but HikariCP fails to reconnect to the database due to... 2024-01-17 19:54:24,587 [pool-2-thread-5368 @coroutine#52534701] DEBUG com.zaxxer.hikari.pool.HikariPool - PuddingPool - Timeout failure stats (total=...
I just got a report on my app using HikariCP 3.4.2 with Oracle that it's using hundreds of Oracle connections instead of the 10 configured connections. We compared the PIDs between DB and Web server, and they matched the single process running on their server. My database code was unchan...
Environment HikariCP version: 2.7.4 JDK version : 1.8.0_151 Database : Oracle 12c JDBC Driver : ojdbc8 Tomcat version : 8.5.12 Hi @brettwooldridge, We have migrated connection pool from primerose (leagcy) to HikariCP in our application. ...