【跟练】15分钟全身协调性力量和心肺功能训练 || 15 Minute Full Body Cardio X HIIT Workout 16:51 【跟练】15分钟高强度手臂上肢训练 || INTENSE 15 MIN UPPER BODY WORKOUT 16:55 【跟练】核心和腰腹训练 || Try this CORE & AB workout 16:20 【跟练】12分钟全身力量和心肺训练 || 12 ...
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当当中国进口图书旗舰店在线销售正版《预订 25-minute Cardio HIIT workout: Full Body HIIT to Build Strength, Speed, and Endurance: 9798326930》。最新《预订 25-minute Cardio HIIT workout: Full Body HIIT to Build Strength, Speed, and Endurance: 9798326930》简
30 MIN FULL BODY SCULPT WORKOUT - Warm Up & Cool Down Included, No Jumping 13 人观看 50:45 40 MIN INTENSE CARDIO WORKOUT | With Light Weights | Full Body | High Intensity | With Repeat 9 人观看 39:55 40MIN Total Body Strength - Dumbbell Only Strength Workout ...
This Full Body HIIT workout uses dynamic exercises in a 10-minute circuit that covers everything from weight loss to strength gains to body sculpting, working the entire body effectively. Director Brian Klepacki Writer Brian Klepacki See all filmmakers & crew (2) Trending Become a member...
Never miss a workout again with the best home gym workouts! Empower your fitness journey, Hiit56 Online - 700+ Full Workouts - BE THE BEST YOU!
30 Minute Full Body HIIT Workout This is a brutally effective, efficient HIIT Workout that covers both strength and conditioning in just 30 minutes! Do this 3 times a week, and I'll bet you will be surprised at the results. The workout consists of three circuits of four exercises. Each...
Join Boxing coach and performer Julie “Jaws” Nelson as she takes you through a 17-minute Boxing HIT workout that you can do at home. What is Boxing HIIT? Boxing Hiit is a combination of the combat movements of boxing and the fast-paced nature of HIIT (high intensity inte...
1. The Six Minute HIIT and Abs Workout (六分鐘HIIT運動) 2. Seven Minute HIIT Boxing Workout for Beginners (七分鐘HIIT運動) 3. 十分鐘 HIIT 全身減脂 4. 20min Full Body Workout - Beginner Version / No Equipment(二十分鐘HIIT運動) 無須彈跳的HIIT動作 如果暫時未能到健身中心,想在家做HIIT,又...
I hope you’re ready for a new workout! This is a full body workout that will get you sweating and get your heart rate up! During this workout I accidentally skipped the left side of Curtsy Lunge Kick. I wrote a note in the video to alternate during the move instead of doing one...