HOUSTON, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- A major blizzard in the U.S. state of New Mexico from Thursday night to Friday has caused cancellation of flights and closure of many highways in the southwestern state. Winter Storm Warnings and Blizzard Warnings remain in effect for much of northern New Mexic...
(Rolling irrigation sprinkler at work along the road carrying U.S. Highways 62-180 near the New Mexico border in Hudspeth County, Texas. Original image from Carol M. Highsmith’s America, Library of Congress collection.), 本站编号60611269, 该免费商用摄影 (cc协议)素材大小为959k, 分辨率为...
S. with Canada and Mexico. Built with safety in mind, the highways have wide lanes and shoulders, dividing medians or barriers, long entry and exit lanes, curves engineered for safe turns, and limited access. The death rate on highways is half that of all other U. S. roads (0. 86 ...
I've organized these photo-essays by the state in which they are located, and about one-half of our 50 states are represented here. Colorado and New Mexico have the most photos because I've lived in one or the other of these states for the last 20 plus years. Arizona Arizona Photos...
In putting together the Minnesota Highways Page, I drew on 25 years of living and driving in Minnesota, where I moved in 1977. Previously, I had lived six years in New Mexico (where I went to graduate school) and grew up in southern California. ...
Route 66 Musical Road - Tijeras, New Mexico The Musical Road in Lancaster, Calif. Sometimes those civil engineers’ plans don’t work out as perfectly as they’d envisioned.This onewas supposed to play the famous “William Tell Overture,” but something went awry. Because of a miscommunicatio...
New Jersey (NJ) New Mexico (NM) New York (NY) North Carolina (NC) North Dakota (ND) Ohio (OH) Oklahoma (OK) Oregon (OR) Pennsylvania (PA) Rhode Island (RI) South Carolina (SC) South Dakota (SD) Tennessee (TN) Texas (TX) ...
I-25 runs through just three states: New Mexico, Colorado, and Wyoming. The interstate provides access to Albuquerque, Colorado Springs, Denver, Casper, and Cheyenne. A section of the road in New Mexico closely follows theoriginal path of historic U.S. Route 66, which followed the trail of...
The interstate began construction in 1957 and has been improved many times over the years. The interstate crosses through Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, Louisiana, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona and California. The longest stretch of I-10 through any state is Texas where it crosses the widest part ...
Skipper's Canyon Road, New Zealand Photo: Bernard Spragg. NZ Flickr Public Domain A remote gold mining route in New Zealand, Skipper’s Canyon is so dangerous that you have to apply for a permit before even attempting to drive on it. Not only that, but many car insurance co...