There has been over 10 million road transport and urban passenger vehicles installed with Beidou terminals in China, said Chen Kun, a staff member with the Transport Planning and Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport. Source(s): Xinhua News Agency RELATED...
9.Truth to be revealed about speed cameras 机译:关于测速相机的真相 期刊名称:《Highways》 | 2011年第6期 10.Long wait over for Costain 机译:等待科斯坦的漫长等待 期刊名称:《Highways》 | 2011年第6期 11.Lighthouse fundraiser speaks from the heart 机译:灯塔募捐人发自内心的讲话 期刊名称...
Agency,AnnArbor,MI,USA c CollegeofEngineering,UniversityofMichigan,AnnArbor,MI,USA highlights Temporalvariationintrafficvolumeaffectsemissionsandpollutantexposures. Annualtrafficvolumecanbeapportionedtothehourusingtemporalallocationfactors. Temporalallocationfactors(TAFs)mustseparatepassengerandcommercialvehicles. TAF...