Parker DL, Bender AP, Johnson RA, Scharber WK, Williams AN, Marbury MC, Mandel JS (1989): Minnesota highway maintenance worker cohort mortality study: Methods and noncancer mortality. Am J Ind Med 15:531-543.PARKER DL, BENDER AP, JOHNSON RA, et al: Minne- sota Highway Maintenance ...
Assessing the safety environment in work organization of road maintenance jobs Accid. Anal. Prev., 26 (1) (1994), pp. 27-39 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [8] R.F. Benekohal, E. Shim Multivariate analysis of truck drivers' assessment of work zone safety J. Transp. ...
While most contractors work multiple jobs and do usually shift workers around those various jobs as needed, for the most part, they try to schedule their crews and subcontractors so that all of their projects are worked on in some form nearly continuously. To be sure, there may be cases ...
Very disappointed today. I waited more than 7 minutes. The employee tried to take the two bottles of oil I was trying to buy. When I told her I was waiting to buy them. She said ok and walked... So sweet and helpful! Worker name Gabriel who works there for four years teach me ho...
Parker DL, Bender AP, Johnson RA, Scharber WK, Williams AN, Marbury MC, Mandel JS (1989): Minnesota highway maintenance worker cohort mortality study: Methods and noncancer mortality. Am J Ind Med 15:531-543.PARKER DL, BENDER AP, JOHNSON RA, et al: Minne- sota Highway Maintenance ...
Work-related injuries in highway maintenance jobs can be reduced by offering training designed to appropriately target specific hazards confronted by highway maintenance workers [17]. A breakdown of training frequency within ALDOT by percent of responses is shown in Figure 2. Yearly training was cite...
Work-related injuries in highway maintenance jobs can be reduced by offering training designed to appropriately target specific hazards confronted by highway maintenance workers [17]. A breakdown of training frequency within ALDOT by percent of responses is shown in Figure 2. Yearly training was cite...
The survey entitled "Field Survey of Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Transportation Maintenance Technicians (TMTs) Perception of Worker Safety" investigates the safety perceptions and concerns of maintenance workers within ALDOT through a multifaceted analysis approach. The findings reveal ...
The survey entitled "Field Survey of Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Transportation Maintenance Technicians (TMTs) Perception of Worker Safety" investigates the safety perceptions and concerns of maintenance workers within ALDOT through a multifaceted analysis approach. The findings reveal ...
The survey entitled "Field Survey of Alabama Department of Transportation (ALDOT) Transportation Maintenance Technicians (TMTs) Perception of Worker Safety" investigates the safety perceptions and concerns of maintenance workers within ALDOT through a multifaceted analysis approach. The findings reveal ...