HighTec EDV Systeme is a privately owned company since establishment in 1982 and the world's largest commercial open source compiler vendor. HighTec has offices in Germany (headquarter), Czech Republic, The Netherlands, Hungary and China.
HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH Saarbrücken is a leading provider of commercial compiler tools based on open source technologies and support for ISO26262 ASIL-D certification.For safety multicore applications PXROS-HR ensures highest level of functional safety and robustness. HighTec is preferred design hous...
PowerPCArchitecture used in ST and NXP microcontrollers ARC EVxused for the PPU integrated in the AURIX TC4x family GTM/ MCS RISC-V 8051/SCRas used as standby controller in the AURIX microcontroller family LLVM Based C/C++ Compiler Suite The modern LLVM open-source compiler technology for prove...
HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH is a privately owned company since establishment in 1982 and stands as the world’s largest commercial provider of automotive grade compilers utilizing cutting-edge open-source technologies. The company specializes in ISO 26262 ASIL D certified tools for embedded software devel...
HighTec EDV Systeme is a privately owned company since establishment in 1982 and the world's largest commercial open source compiler vendor. HighTec has offices in Germany (headquarter), Hungary, The Netherlands and China. HighTec ensures independence for the future and the most reliable and secur...
See why we work closely with HighTech EDV-Systeme GmbH, a member of the ST Partner Program and the largest commercial open-source compiler vendor.
德国萨尔布吕肯,2024年12月5日——世界领先的汽车C/C++编译器解决方案提供商HighTec EDV Systeme GmbH宣布全面支持芯来科技的RISC-V IP。HighTec编译器是基于LLVM开源汽车级C/C++编译器工具,已通过ISO 26262 ASIL D的安全认证。从事RISC-V架构开发的汽车软件开发者受益于这些工具来无缝支持芯来经过功能安全认证的RISC...
德国萨尔布吕肯,2024年12月5日——世界领先的汽车C/C++编译器解决方案提供商HighTec EDV Systeme GmbH宣布全面支持芯来科技的RISC-VIP。HighTec编译器是基于LLVM开源汽车级C/C++编译器工具,已通过ISO 26262 ASIL D的安全认证。从事RISC-V架构开发的汽车软件开发者受益于这些工具来无缝支持芯来经过功能安全认证的RISC-...
盖世汽车讯 11 月 28 日,汽车编译器解决方案供应商 HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH 宣布,其针对汽车市场的高度优化 C/C++ 编译器支持晶心科技(Andes)的 RISC-V IP。这一支持标志着汽车软件开发人员的一个里程碑,因为 HighTec 的编译器现在可以无缝支持晶心科技的功能安全认证的 RISC-V 内核,以确保优化汽车处理器的...
HighTec EDV-Systeme GmbH, Saarbruecken/Germany, is the world’s largest commercial provider of compilers using innovative open-source technologies and offers ISO 26262 ASIL D certified tools for embedded software development, the real-time operating system PXROS...